There is no passionate rant to be had here I am just happy and thought I would let you all know.”It was accompanied by an image taken with her best friends.The transplant surgery was said to be a success, but the 21 year old subsequently had a stroke during recovery in the Intensive Care Unit.Emergency brain surgery was administered, and Claire was placed in an induced coma.What’s it like to be in a coma? Teen reveals reality of medically induced stateThe Foundation statement, posted late last night, read: „‘Last night at 6:00pm, Claire Wineland our inspirational founder passed away. She was not in any pain and the medical staff said it was the most peaceful passing they had ever witnessed.”She was surrounded by love and with her mother Melissa Yeager and father John Wineland; they saw her into this world for her first breath and were with her for her last.”In Claire fashion, she is an organ donor. Claire’s remarkable family were so happy for the other families that were now getting the calls that the organ they had long been waiting for was now available for transplant.

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